Monday, January 28, 2013

This week it has been the weather that has been the major event.  Our first day of training was supposed to be today but was delayed until tomorrow because of a snowstorm.  This snowstorm, however, was greatly anticipated and enjoyed by most of the people in this valley!  Let me explain - Since we have been here, there has been record-breaking or near record-breaking weather and weather caused events.  First, it was freezing, both day and night, very, very cold!  Then the inversion came in.  For days, there was very little sun, but lots of gray and brown clouds and disgusting smog.  We had the distinction of having the worst air in the country by last Friday.  The snowstorm, which happened on Sunday, was also record-breaking in the amount of snow that fell - 10 inches in a few hours.  But the best thing is that it broke up the inversion and we can now breath fresh air!  I had to take a picture of it in case the inversion comes in again!!

So proof that there really is still a blue sky up there! 

We are ready to get started on our mission.  It's been fun to get our apartment all organized and decorated and explore our new city but it's time to get busy and do what we came here to do.  We continue to meet new people and and are starting to feel a little more comfortable here.  I'm (meaning Lynne) still kind of homesick and try not to spend time counting the months, weeks, days until we are done.  Dale says that is pretty normal for new missionaries to do the counting of time left, so I guess I'm not too awful! It will certainly help to get busy!

We're in for more snow tonight so we may get to use our brand new snow boots as we walk to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building to start our new adventure in the morning.  Can't wait!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, this cannot be, you are in Salt Lake and you are homesick? Not possible!
